App for local galleries
Designing a web-app to promote going to local art galleries
This is the full case study!
App for local galleries
Designing a web-app to promote going to local art galleries
This is the full case study!
Skills demonstrated
A Toronto gallery director wanted more public interest in Toronto’s galleries by making it easier to visit them. We designed, a web-app which makes gallery navigating and discovery in the GTA easier.
This project was done as part of a summer practicum project for my Master of Information concentration in UX Design. Our program coordinator put our team in touch with the gallery director.
We looked at existing solutions which did roughly the same thing.
The good:
The bad:
We also designed a questionnaire. Many questions would help us ideate later, but here are some stats we thought were important:
We also asked questions which would help us ideate down the line. We also generated a persona based on research. Meet Gary the gallerygoer!
We used data from our research to create a list of problems to address. By asking “How Might We” questions, we ideated on a list of features.
Next, we built our affinity diagram. This lets us organize our many ideas into buckets, which will make sense later.
With this level of organization done, we are now able to make a prioritization matrix. This will greatly help us focus on what's important, and what can wait.
The webapp only had a few screens, so we started with sketches.
Using the ideas we came up with, I created an interactive mid-fi prototype.
Test results from 5 participants
Changes to implement
Simple tasks, such as finding 2 galleries of interest, took less than 15 seconds. Tasks dealing with the quiz, a confusing feature, took over a minute.
I incorporated the feedback and created a high-fi with aesthetics and branding.